The elegance and sophistication of the work of art. It’s surprising the artistic and semantic journey Roberta Diazzi has made in a few years. Even more surprising are the goals that this artist from Modena has achieved with her own resources. Remarkable the coherence with which she pursued a personal style throughout her journey, albeit varying materials and themes with the subject she portrays. Some critics declare that art is made by the succession of movements and languages, from which the lonesome experiences of innovative artists are born. These participate to the supply of new techniques and styles, that are however not easy to interpret and recreate and remain as such unique in their innovation and quality. This is the case with Roberta Diazzi! Her work may seem simple at first glance, but it is the result of a research for precious and expensive materials not easily found by anyone, and as such desired even by the most demanding and wealthy among the costumers. In order to compensate the restless and contemporary spirit of a society that imposes always new desires, and always more amplified dreams. Moreover, the elegance and difficulty with which they are positioned on the works is the result of a deep expertise, enriched and refined step by step. Swarovski crystals of diverse dimensions are the absolute protagonists of her prestigious work. From 2011 onwards these exquisite faceted and reflecting materials make up her works in their entirety. Measuring from four down to a half millimetre in diameter, covering even the most minuscule spaces of the elaborate surfaces, they break down and reflect lights and colours, gifting vibrancy and vivacity to the subjects. Every work is also accompanied by an authenticity certification for the Swarovski crystals. Light is mandatory for the fruition of these works. Whether direct or tangent, it creates reflections and shades that influence sight, enriching the motion and dynamism of the shapes. The image is then completed by personal sensibility and perception. Her work lives throughout diverse passages: the photographic image the artist takes apart to create designs, which are merged with shades of light or dark, strong and soft colours, and plays of shadows and lights. These designs are transferred freehandedly with a soft pencil on the support. The surface where the crystals are placed upon is also the result of a long search for the right material, to exalt their exquisiteness to the highest degree: it is black acrylic glass. Polished sheets that increase reflective and tonal proprieties to the point of creating a second version of the work with their reflection. A soul concealed between darkness and light, emerging according to the position of the beholder. Layered and multisensorial meanings, fitting for works that can be touched as well as seen. And through the touch enter, like light, in the soul of the viewer. Research, elegance and professionality distinguish the work of this artist, humble and unpretentious in her own being, but tenacious and perseverant in her own goals. Sailing from the solid basis of her specialization in graphic techniques in her hometown Art School “Venturi”, she managed to use the communicative immediateness of the stroke in Pop Art techniques. In her early work, it was already noticeable the elegance in images, may them be coloured or in greyscale. The pleasure of aesthetic vision merges with the immediateness of the presented subject, maintaining the exclusive characters of a unique work of art. It’s not by chance that personalities the likes of Luciano Pavarotti or Ferrari family members had wanted a portrait by her hand. Portrayals from this artist go beyond psychologic data and return humane and realistic images, subordinated to the needs of shape. Illustrious Caroline, Princess of Hanover, has recognised and praised the exquisiteness of Diazzi’s work, keeping for her won one of her paintings. Moreover, the prestige of this artists was also confirmed overseas: Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan wanted her own portrait, realised with 4’800 Swarovski crystals. Both national and international art conventions have seen her protagonist. Crowning her success, in Venice she has been bestowed with the prestigious “Leone d’Oro” as best emerging artist of 2017 by the Mazzoleni foundation. Therefore, if at first glance Roberta Diazzi may strike merely as a decorative artist, testament of the opposite of this is a journey that buries its roots in the experiences of a contemporary creative spirit , intelligent and tender-hearted, destined to renew itself to achieve the highest expressive pervasion reachable in Art.