Annalù, (A. Boeretto) was born in San Donà di Piave (Venice, Italy) in 1976. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice (1999), lives and works in her “palafitte” home by the river Piave in Passarella di San Donà di Piave, Venice For several years she has been developing a sculpture and installation work in Italy and abroad. A disciple of metamorphosis, intent on penetrating the mysteries of creation, the artist able to assemble incongruous elements such as resins and paper, bark and glass wool, bitumen and sand, cement and roots, in order to create new realities, worlds suspended and imaginary architecture where alchemy is lightness. Her work features deeply lyrical and evocative characteristics, but also a huge formal impact, with images of involving power and exalted symbolic allure. She has won several awards and mentions: Arte Laguna Award, Painting and Sculpture section: 2007 (2 Awards) and 2008 (3 Awards ); White Pages Award 2006; 1st Stonefly Prize for Contemporary Art in 2008; Award Ora 2011; 1st Prize ‘Opera le vie dell’Acqua’ 2012, Zaha Hadid Salerno Biennal 2016. She has been selected as Italian representative in the International collective exhibition at the Moya Museum in Vienna. Her works are on permanent show at MACS Catania, MIM Museum in Motion Piacenza, SDAI San Diego, Capitana da Mar Jesolo/Venezia. Annalủ’s works have been shown in a number of Italian and foreign museums, and can be found in public and private collections in Italy and abroad.